Calling all gardeners (and wanna-be gardeners)! Two great opportunities on the horizon:

Special workday at Black Canyon
Audubon teamed up with REI to expand the Black Canyon Heritage Park Garden and trails!
Join us at 8 a.m. on Saturday, December 1 for a community planting day. You’ll learn about native, bird- and pollinator-friendly plants while spending the morning in a beautiful spot. Space is limited so sign up here today.

Audubon’s new “Garden Club”
Treat yourself to a mental health day in Audubon’s Rio Salado Gardens! The new club meets monthly (weather permitting) on each second Friday at 9 a.m. Our first meeting will be on November 9, just days away. Come prepared to work in the garden until about noon, and RSVP with Cathy Wise so we can plan projects accordingly.
And lastly, an upcoming opportunity for community science:

Christmas Bird Count
Do we need to remind you that the holidays are right around the corner (or is the supermarket décor enough)? What that means at Audubon is that Christmas Bird Counts are right around the corner.
Sign up today for a free Christmas Bird Count training at Rio Salado on Saturday, December 8 from 8 to 11 a.m. Troy Corman will be presenting the training, sponsored by the Arizona Field Ornithologists.
We hope to see you at one or more of these opportunities!