A Burrowing Owl peers over a rock placed by its artificial burrow.

Whoooos Up for Helping?

Looking to make a real difference for birds? Participate in our Downtown Owls program.

Burrowing Owl. Photo: Scott Bartelt

Whoooos Up for Helping?

Looking to make a real difference for birds? Participate in our Downtown Owls program.

A “gaggle” of geese. A “murder” of crows. What do you call a group of Burrowing Owls needing new homes?

Over 130 of these adorable birds were evicted last year—by no fault of their own—and are awaiting placement at sites across the valley. The work is hot, dusty, and certainly not glamorous. It will also be a day you never forget.

Burrowing Owls are the only raptor in the world that lives and nests underground. Shaped like a long-legged soda can and weighing about the same as a stick of butter, the owls are no match for bulldozers—development comes in and the owls are pushed out. Fortunately, biologists discovered that the birds take readily to human-made burrows, and can be successfully moved out of harm’s way.

Audubon Arizona’s Downtown Owls program is a partnership with Wild at Heart that mobilizes volunteers just like YOU to help re-home displaced Burrowing Owls. Over 2,000 people of all ages and from all walks of life have taken part in the program since 2013, and have provided hundreds of owls with new, posh digs. The commitment is pretty minimal: one morning from about 8 a.m. to noon, and all tools and instruction are provided. Kids 10 and up (and adults that act like kids) are welcome. 

Looking to make a real difference for birds? Sign up for one of our spring workdays! Will you get dirty? Yup! Might you need to drive a little out of your way? Perhaps. Worth it? Ask any group of homeless owls…

Workday dates and locations: 

Saturday, March 17 in Maricopa

Saturday, April 21 in San Tan 

For more info: Cathy Wise (yes, her real name)

P.S.— A group of owls, Burrowing or otherwise, is called a “parliament”.

How you can help, right now