Nature & Art Come Together! - Workshop Extension Series with Artist & Illustrator - Devon Meyer

Come down to the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center for an exciting workshop series with Artist & Illustrator, Devon Meyer!

Nature & Art Come Together! Workshop Extension Series with Artist & Illustrator- Devon Meyer

The Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center will be extending the Nature & Art Come Together Workshop Series with Artist & Illustrator, Devon Meyer, through May 2015!  Channel your creativity through nature journaling and learn how to draw and paint the natural world. 

Classes will be held at the Nina Mason Pulliam Rio Salado Audubon Center, from 9:00am-12:00pm

Extension dates are as follows:

Saturday, March 7th - 9:00am-12:000pm - Nature Journaling: Exploring plants and landscapes with color. For this class, we will take our pens, pencils and watercolors and explore the beautiful habitat of the Center. Learn watercolor techniques and improve your observation skills

Saturday, April 18th - 9:00am-12:00pm - Nature Journaling & Personal History: Exploring our place in the natural world through art.  We will explore the natural environment and our place in it. Journals reveal so much about our world and our place in it.

Saturday, May 2nd - 9:00am-12:000pm - Birds, Birds, Birds: Discover birds through drawing and painting. Get ready to explore bird anatomy, how to sketch feathers and birds in their habitat. 

$38 per class (bring a friend and you both will receive 10% off - must register together)

Sign-up for the entire workshop extension series and receive 10% off.  All 3 sessions for $104!

To register, please complete the attached form below.

Questions, call Becky Gilbreath at (602) 468-6470 x.101 or email


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